We are delighted to be able to offer current students a 50% discount on copies of the history of Brasenose College Boat Club's first 200 years, a book which has been written by former Australian Senator, rowing historian and BNCBC cox William O'Chee.
This limited edition, 616-page book spans the club’s founding in 1815 through to its 200th anniversary, including 16 pages of colour plates. The book was printed in June 2023 and the last few copies are available to purchase here.
The price includes postage and packing to any address world-wide and all profits from the book's publication willl directly benefit Brasenose College Boat Club.
This limited edition, 616-page book spans the club’s founding in 1815 through to its 200th anniversary, including 16 pages of colour plates. The book was printed in June 2023 and the last few copies are available to purchase here.
The price includes postage and packing to any address world-wide and all profits from the book's publication willl directly benefit Brasenose College Boat Club.